Compu Master has a professional team of trained maintenance engineers at the highest level to deal with computers, networks, and software. The team performs specialized reviews on client devices, maintenance, and treatment to ensure that the program is downloaded for the first time or at later times if necessary and ready to work properly. Maintenance engineers also provide service to clients online or through site visits at client premises if required.
- Operating Systems Management
- Running Databases
- Network connectivity
- Software and hardware protection
- Technical Consulting
- Configuration
The Maintenance and Network Department is one of the main departments in the company. It prepares the hardware, software and networks of customers so that they are ready to run the company’s various programs. It is the first department to start work immediately upon contracting with clients.
The more modern and fast the devices, the better, especially with servers, but all programs can be run on medium speed devices.
Some small or medium activities can be run without the Internet. In the case of activities with different branches and places, this requires an Internet connection.
Services can be provided to clients outside Egypt or even inside Egypt in different governorates.
Supply plans for clients
Create the work environment
Maintenance engineers prepare the client's work environment in terms of used devices and networks, as well as create accounting programs and the rest of the auxiliary programs.
Technical Consulting
Of course, working conditions differ from one client to another. This requires maintenance engineers to provide advice and advice to customers, to provide the best working environment available.
Problem solutions
Customers may encounter many technical problems in connection or in the operation of programs and devices, at this time the maintenance team will be ready to provide appropriate solutions.